In 2020, in the context of our country’s growing awareness of the deep and persistent harms caused by racism and poverty, Innisfree determined that it needed to do more to address the serious issues of diversity, equity and inclusion at our company and in our society. We stated on our website at the time: Black Lives Matter, and we expressed our unequivocal commitment to the eradication of systemic racism and to the creation of a just society.
Innisfree values inclusion of individuals of all different races, genders, sexual preferences, ages and physical capabilities, in the belief that a culture of diversity will foster innovation, intelligence and imagination—and ultimately excellence—to the benefit of our employees, our clients and society in general.
To that end, we have put in place a number of programs to translate our values into action:
- An employee group—open to all who are interested—meets regularly to review diversity, equity and inclusion issues both within the firm and in our wider communities, with the goals of i) providing a forum for discussion and ii) developing impactful programs and communications. For example, members participate in the “Innisfree Institute Student Success Program,“ which provides local high school students with practical life-skills on such topics as applying for Federal Student Aid, resumé writing and “Investing 101.”
- A comprehensive review of the firm’s employee recruitment practices has resulted in an even wider and more pro-active outreach to potential sources of talent.
- Continuation of our charitable contribution program with a renewed emphasis on giving to charitable organizations seeking to create more educational opportunities for underprivileged youth and greater social justice. Additionally, the firm participates in a program whereby employees receive daily invitations to direct charitable contributions which are underwritten by the firm.
- We have been working with a third-party vendor to identify opportunities—and formulate plans—for fostering greater diversity, equity and inclusion within the firm. We seek to create positive, enduring change.
We are committed to achieving these programs’ objectives and to continuing to identify other meaningful actions.
Innisfree is a comparatively small company, but we strongly believe we have an obligation to join with others and work together to bring about a truly inclusive, diverse and equitable society.